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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jerry Brown endorsed for CA governor by NOW

From the desk of National Organization for Womyn Terry O'Neill:

Dear NOW Members,

I have received several inquiries of late as to our endorsement of Jerry Brown for Governor of California over Meg Whitman.  Specifically, many of you have expressed some dismay that we at NOW have chosen to endorse a man over a fellow woman, along with allegations that the man in question has used anti-womyn slurs.  Please allow me to allay your concerns in this matter.

Firstly, it was not Attorney General Brown himself who called Whitman a "whore".  As we have now learned, that word was actually uttered by Brown's wife, Anne Gust Brown.  Having learned that it was Mrs. Brown who leveled the accusation, we may safely conclude that A.G. Brown has no guilt in the matter.

Furthermore, I would like to point out that Whitman is actually running as a Republican.  This makes the use of the word "whore", usually an insult, entirely acceptable in context.  Quite frankly, any woman who sells her sisters out by running on the Republican ticket has earned the sobriquet of "whore" for herself in spades.  Alternately, perhaps Mrs. Brown was simply suggesting that Whitman has been employed as a sex worker in the past.  We have our investigators looking into that possibility with all due diligence at this time.

Aside from the unnecessarily ruffled feathers of those of you who naively objected the "whore" remark, we have perfectly good reasons to endorse A.G. Brown for Governor.  A.G. Brown has stressed that not only is he STRONGLY pro-choice, he will also strive to ensure that low-income womyn have state funding made available to them for abortion services.  Obviously this is an extremely important reason for NOW to endorse a man over a fellow woman.  There are, of course, many other reasons as well.  We'll get back to you on those.

Thank you for your continued support in the face of Republican patriarchal oppression,

NOW President Terry O'Neill

P.S.  Sarah Palin is a b****. 

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