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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Barney Frank goes to therapy

Fwom de dethk of Congwethpuhson Bahney Fwank:

Deawest Jim,

I have been tawkin' to mah thewapitht about some of de ithues between uth, and Ah think thereth a few thingth we need to tawk about.  Ah know thith whole ewection buthiness hath been weally hahd on you watewy, but we jutht haf to get a few thingth thraithened out. 

Ah was expwainin' to mah thewapitht about the pwobwems Ah been havin' with mah we-ewection dis time awound, and how itth been cauthin' uth so much twouble in ouwr wewationship.  Ah expwained to de thewapitht that thith hath nevah happen' to me befahr, and that it wath cauthin' you aww kind of emotionaw distweth.  The thewapitht theemed vewy thympathetic, and thuggethted maybe mah age wath paht of de pwobwem.  Ah agweed dat dere ith a wot of ageithm in dis countwy, and people mah age are ofen thubject to dicwimination.  Ah agweed wif de thewapist dat mah age might be paht of de pwobwem wif mah we-ewection.  Affah aww, it can't weawwy be about dat Fweddie and Fannie bidneth, now can it?

At any wate, de thewapitht thaid maybe Ah thould take thome wittle bwue pillth he good get fah me.  Ah tol' him Ah don't think de pillth would hewlp wif mah we-ewection.  He tol' me Ah shouwld at leatht gib dem a chanth.  Ah weally think he might not haf unnerthtood jutht what Ah wath tawkin' about.  Ah don't know anybody in Congweth who evah got theihr we-ewection jutht bah takin' a wittle bwue piwll.

At any wate, Ah went on to expwain to de thewapitht about mah we-ewection pwobwems becauthe of dat thillwy wittle Mawine who ith wunnin' againtht mah.  Ah expwained to de thewapitht dat de Mawine ith onwy haf mah age, and ith in vewy good phythicawl condition, not tah metion he weawly ith pwetty nithe wookin'.  De thewapitht thaid it wath onwy natuwal dat Ah should be upthet to be compahrd to a fewwow haf mah age.  He agweed dat peopwel should not judge a man wif mah age an' expewience againtht thomeone tho young.  He thaid if I wath thinkin' about dat to much it might be de weathon Ah'm havin' tho much twouble wif mah we-ewection.  He thaid Ah should jus' thtop thinkin' about dat young man and take de wittle bwue piwlth. 

Dis bwingth mah to de heawrt of mah pwobwem.  De othuh day you were fowwowin' dat young man awound wif youhr camewa, takin' aww kindth of pictureth of him.  Wook, I know you want to be thupportuv of mah campaign, but how do you think it maketh mah feewl when you ahre out dere thnappin' awl dothe pictureth of dat stwappin', good-wookin', young man who is twyin' to take away mah we-ewection?  Don't you know how dat wookth to mah?  Wook, Jim, Ah know you didn't weawly mean anythin' by it, but pwease, it hurtth mah to thee you awoun' him tho much!  Ah jutht thtart thinkin' to mahthelf that Ah could lothe mah we-ewection, and that maybe den you wouldn't love mah de thame anymore.  You might go lookin' for thomeone younguh, who haf hith ewection wewl in hand.  I gueth Ah'm jutht twyin' to thay Ah don' haf mah thame old confidenth any more, an' Ah need you to hewlp mah out heahr.  Tho pweathe, fohr de thake of ourwr wove, jutht thtay away fwom dat young man!

Your woving pahtnuh fohrevuh,

Congwethpuhson Bahney Fwank

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